Dear Idiot Savage,
Something something weed Kal Penn.
Depends on the animal. I mean if they were dalmations, and if it took place during the third season of West Wing…
I miss the Italian Janitor of Cock.
9gag is terrible.
It's not the maca, your body wants the maca. It's not the maca.
I think they should gender swap Ben's doppelganger and have her be played by Lizzy Caplan. Then Caplan-Ben and Kristen Bell-Leslie should make out. Because reasons that have to do with my penis.
Man, I wish that Dexter aired before Hannibal. Watching Dexter after finishing Hannibal is like following up a nice Rosé with Two Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's.
Man, I legitimately enjoyed this episode. No irony, I thought there was some pretty good Sorkin on display.
She's still a grade A cutie.
@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus It smells fishy too!
I'm not sure that was a parody of Ryan Gosling, if it was it was a pretty poor one.
Your avatar is cool.
Leave your stupid comments in your pocket!
Classic Poe!
Francesca Fiore!