
Whatever the overall consensus regarding the new season ends up being, I feel that the, "I'm queer, I'm here, Now I'm over here" gag justified the entire damned thing.

I actually wept when I saw this movie. Like, I was openly weeping in the middle of the theater. Not just because it was beautiful, human, and heartbreakingly honest, but because I honestly can't remember the last time that I truly loved a movie this much.

I'm sure you guys have seen it already, but for those who haven't, this is the most amazing television promo I've ever seen.

I think Patrick Warburton put it best when he said that Urbaniak's voice is really cool because it sounds like he's always complaining about something.

I… I just started watching Happy Endings. I really like it. I-I should have been watching it all along.

If we're including anime in the TV Club roster, I think Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood would be a really neat weekly feature.


I liked that part of Game of Thrones so much it made it into the list.

There wasn't a single part of this episode that I didn't love. But here are my personal top ten moments tonight:

I know it's a cheap, broad source of comedy, but people arguing with animals always makes me laugh. So Strax threatening to vaporize his horse (for the fourth time that week no less) made me laugh heavily.



Dredd is awesome. You are a man of impeccable taste Dwyer.

Twist ending! It's Chris Traeger.

But in both cases, both men are thinking about the same thing.

I thought Onion News Empire was pretty decent. A solid B to B+. My only problem was that it felt too long. It would be better as a fifteen minute show. I definitely wanna see more though.

I had to turn off the TV when Ginsberg was in the middle of his date. It was too real. I couldn't take it.

I'll be honest, if there was a penis I might've missed it. I own a piece of shite, secondhand Craigslist television. As such I miss 90% of the genitalia that appears on this show.

There was a gay sex scene but no penises? Step it up Janitor.

Conversely, I am now picturing Walton Goggins as the Master. It's kind of amazing.