
Um, does anyone else think this is a really bad review from Todd?  I know he has his own style and stuff, but everyone bitches (or used to) about Hayden writing 'basic rundowns' of The Simpsons. This wasn't really a review ~ I have no real idea what made Todd give this a B, and it just felt like a shambolic and

@avclub-5bbc67c39fbdf1c74e28b86c595f6e4a:disqus God, yes, I agree. esp. Ryan's section: "the strongest episodes of Glee are the ones that either push Will way off to the side or keep him offscreen." I thought this article was about characters you ENJOY hating, not ones you wish were gone?

See, THAT'S my problem with the Lilith House girls that still leaves me sore. One of the points that V seems to make is that rape can happen to anyone and it's really not okay. Apparently that doesn't apply when girls are doing the same to guys?

Yeah, @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus that was my problem too. Also, like @avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus says: it is just one of those traits that really irritates me, common as it is: the college kid convinced that she knows EVERYTHING on the first day of class. One of the reasons why

I'm going to ask the insensitive question: Mac really, really wanted to have sex with Beaver. I mean, seriously, unless he knocked her out, is there any way it couldn't have been consensual?

I agree. I think what makes Beaver's eeeeeevil seem even more overdone though is the way that Logan is (uuuugh) playing the stereotypical macho hero. Given how personal this is to V at this point (her rape), I would have preferred it if she could have beaten Beaver on her own, intellectually.

A bit that really makes me cringe in the rooftop scene is how Beaver tasers V and she practically jumps straight back up again. How many 6" linebackers have we seen V knock out with that thing? Yet Bell is tiny and somehow V can get back up?


Great idea. Actually, the only thing I like about this series of the XF is that they deadlock less often. I remember it happening twice? Last series and the one before last, it felt like they deadlocked all the freaking time.

@avclub-9743cc2559b2837304890f9999ec3dc3:disqus Yes, like to Janet! I only thought Janet was okay, but everyone constantly pushed her towards 'doing something different' when it was blatantly obvious that she couldn't.

I totally agree for sixteen being the minimum age. Even 16 is pretty young. There's no way that any 12-year-old can handle this. The thing is, of course they've always been god's gift. When I was 12, like 2 people in my entire year could sing well and we treated them like god's gift because none of us could. But up

@avclub-7b6a3f6dd3af2f09823e8ebcb0f52097:disqus  @avclub-858b67085072a6f2403cf500871f4068:disqus YOU LOVED CHERYL? HOW HOW HOW WHY? (+ She's not Irish. She's Northern.)

I HATED HATED HATED Wallace's disappearance. I know that everyone worships Dohring and thinks that the show would be 10x weaker without a daily dose of wish-fulfilment Logan (sorry, my hate is showing). I would rather that Wallace was guaranteed/contracted for all the episodes than Logan, who I don't think is a 100%

Could someone please explain the real estate thing to me? I swear I've never quite understood that in the context of what the Big Bad was trying to do.

Yeah, I totally totally agree with everything up here. Totally sympathetic characters are incredibly rare things in VM universe. That + the first appearance point I made above made me think of him as a pretty big suspect. They seemed to try to skim over his character a lot in early episodes (such as the fact that he