FRIDAY: I've decided to rewatch Kill Bill 10 years since. And my God, it's still hold up as, in my opinion, one of Quentin's best work. The amount of references and homages are amazing. Infact, i am actually tracking down every single reference in Kill Bill by watching the films it homages, starting off with Sonny…
It's like poetry, it rhymes
I got the results of the test back.
I don't mind if Marvel Studios can kickstart the action movie genre again with Punisher, Shang-Chi and Luke Cage/Iron Fist films (The latter two which i'm outlining for a draft).
Well thankfully i don't really follow the current Martial Arts film trends as the only HK films i see these days are crime thrillers and dramas.
So, when you see Ingatiy on the real, forming like Voltron
Remember he got deep like a Navy Seal
Let's go and eat, HAAAAH?
Yeah yeah but how's the twerking?
I do tend to miss low-budget action movies on the big screen.
A sequel to Dredd.
The problem is that Assange has no sense of responsibility.
Of course Heimdall hasn't seen The Wire. He's too busy killing Kaijus for fuck's sake!
Hey don't you dare insult /r/hiphopheads!
But i'm a narcissist! Like Yeezus!
It's under the "Fedora" monicker.
Spoilers (from today's Wikileaks cable):
waits for Tumblr to spam @avclub-792b765aa995daf26cf6f17f519c949d:disqus with Hiddleston/Cumberbatch slash porn
Their movies are considered "dudebro" by many though.