Karen Gillan is now bald on the other side of the galaxy, fighting Star Lord and a raccoon.
Karen Gillan is now bald on the other side of the galaxy, fighting Star Lord and a raccoon.
@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus http://i.imgur.com/jEoi6zt.jpg
I've mentioned that in my earlier comments.
Nah, Avengers lacks valley girl cheerleaders.
Well, that's pretty true.
Because Fuck You That's Why
Lighting still sucked though.
Well, it won't beat Condominium that's for sure.
Well, pretty much every other show i watched in the past 5 years have been cable shows.
Alright, i'm gonna vent my actual opinions of this show:
The character of Ward just pisses me off as a polyglot.
All i'm gonna say is this:
Hey man, at least i don't defend Chris Brown.
Yeah, it's near old Mexico.
Yeah that one.
Nah, we all know that his most famous work was Alien Resurrection.
As much as i love the West Wing,
Wow, the only good Joss Whedon show!
Yo North Korea is Best Korea!