
Damn Nigga wat a shame.

Yeah i actually watched all of Maou-sama and i forgot to review it.

I like Motoko's sexy look in SAC as it's a reflection of the society she lives in. Also, she's pretty carefree and doesn't give a fuck about how others see her (she is a cyborg after all)

President Dwayne Camacho 4 Life

It's so dense every single phrase has so many things going on

Friday & Sunday: With the end of the Spring Review Anime Season, i'll just review anime that have already finished airing:

Once you're there, you should check out the invasion tunnels along with the Imjigak Observation Tower. You get to see the North Korean side with the addition of a tall-as-fuck flagpole and an empty showcase town that looked like the set of a post-apocalyptic zombie film.

I find Ethan Hawke's career to be baffling.

Once Mad Men is done i hope that Matthew Weiner would make a spin-off show about a newspaper company in the 1970s.

Tataouine, Tunisia (They filmed Star Wars there)

Saoirse Ronan should be doing movies like Wuthering Heights and Anna Karenina. Period dramas are what got her an Oscar nomination.
What the fuck is she doing in movies like this and The Host?

Well, you got to thank him for

Finally, Robert De Niro and Al Pacino TOGETHER AT LAST!

Well, Superman was created by Jews.

Elizabeth Berkeley then cries, get comforted by Zack Morris and the proceeds to make Showgirls.

Damn girls need to get off my lawn!

"blasting holes in FDR’s hand-carved piano"

If they wanted to make Superman look gray and blue like Call of Duty and Battlefield 3, then they could have just made a Battlefield/CoD movie instead.

What disappointed me about World War Z was the lack of Peter Capaldi cursing every 30 seconds.

Nah it's the guy from the porno version of Fred the Movie