@avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus The Narrator Returns: Grammar Police is also pretty dark.
@avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus The Narrator Returns: Grammar Police is also pretty dark.
The final fight was pretty dark.
Well, i can't wait for the Grammar Holocaust though.
Hey, at least Hanna Barbera desn't add extra scenes of Scooby Doo being saved by the People's Liberation Army of China.
(This is true though)
I find Czech to be a pretty fascinating language.
Well, in the context of the movie of course.
Yeah, i liked Scooby Doo back in the day.
They should remake Superfriends and have it nothing but 3 hours of shaky cam, dark plotlines and lens flares.
"That's the fucking point."
No, not him. It's someone else.
Well, he did spend half his life savings in that and thus it would be a waste if he's bad at it.
Also sampled in one of Carl Cox's greatest hits:
Es ist verträumt hier in Düsseldorf
I actually do add them though.
No shit.
I'd like to thank the Madchester/Acid House scene for introducing Primal Scream to Ecstasy.
Well, true Dubstep is something like this: