
I know that in the trailer, M was using Mac OSX while looking at that Youtube video of all the targeted MI6 agents.

Deviantart is a furry heaven,

Which is why i avoid Sony Computers like a plague.

Fantasy Firsties

My first exposure to him was through Scrubs and……The Animal with Rob Schneider.

For me, it'd be Sony computers in that stupid 2012 film.

It did gave Deviantart users a bad name.

Friday: Just finished Going My Home, and i was amazed at how good a Japanese drama can be. Directed by Koreeda Hirokazu who directed Still Walking (available on The Criterion Collection), the drama is about a Tokyo ad man (Hiroshi Abe) who visits his dying father at a small Japanese town, and he along with his family

I really liked this episode. It reminds me of 70's horror from movies like The Haunting and Children of the Corn. Which makes sense as Moffat and Gatiss are horror fans and Gatiss did the League of Gentlemen.



KLF's Chillout album.

I can't wait for the Glee episode on suicide bombings.

They should make a prequel to this where Aubrey Plaza is a religious nut visiting a planet with a  group of scientists just to meet God.

I recently bought a DVD copy of a French film called Tell No One.


I do know for a fact that working in China in most sectors are a pain in the ass.

The Elder Scrolls; North Korea

I'm not a fan of the Cure, but i do love some of their songs including Pictures of You and Love Song.