
I have a confession:

Yeah, i'm gonna miss The New Cult Canon too.

What's with these apocalyptic comedy movies?

>(In English w/ subtitles)

I hope this movie makes diseases/bugs as hot and sexy as Shivers and Rabid.

Ah yes, 3D Vaginas.

Hopefully there's a reality show about Southern rednecks brandishing Russian guns trying to overthrow the Federal Government.

Jon Hamm's in Archer?


RIP Gregory

@avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus THANKS MOBAMA!

Yeah, i know.

I just love how film noir and McCarthyism go hand-in-hand together.

Atleast the Mayor in Spin City was shaking up his policies

I'm really really sad about the Simpsons these days.

I didn't watch beyond episode 2 as it's not as cursive as the Thick of It.

They all still do a better job that the Bush administration.

Meh, they all sound the same to me.

So was Maurice Levy the Devil's lawyer?

Imagine how many kids would Bono save if he just stopped clapping his fucking hands.