Well, he did help Napster and Facebook.
Well, he did help Napster and Facebook.
Yeah, whatever.
Okay then:
Wow, i didn't know that Disney made a channel after my favourite emoticon.
Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine is the most disappointing thing since Food & Liquor II: The Great American Rap Album Pt. 1
It's basically about a young kid helping to save a princess and destroying a Death Star with the help of his LGBT friends.
It's coarse, rough and it gets everywhere.
That headline image is so dense, every single image has so many things going on.
Pain and Gain surprisingly looks nothing like the usual Michael Bay CGI-fest.
It says something wrong when you can just spot the CGI with the bubbles.
I'm on their pizzarolls.
As long as it also leads to Lucy Lawless and Megan Mullally clones then i'm fine with that.
Well, Red Letter Media has an explanation for that:
Dat Franco gets the box office.
It's a sequel to Prometheus where Colin Firth plays the Engineer.
Japanese snow is pretty strong,
The reason why is that There is a huge geek following for trains in Japan.
For me, its all about the singer's expression and training.