GRRM Faery Tales

He could probably do the "shadowless thrust" with a robot arm.

But admitting she was wrong about her decree would prove she isn't infallible.

I don't know. They were programmed for violence, so they started a venue where they could go do it an orderly fashion. And then marched to their doom as commanded. Sounds pretty lawful, if lawfulness involves blindly following the the arbitrary rules of a given leader.
If the robots weren't mindless, could Bubblegum

RB had free will. I wonder if more of them would have had second thoughts if they had turned around.

Paladinning takes a little more than doting on a princess. Something more adventurous, like say…a sky witch. Marceline seems to be on the backburner too.

Oh yeah. What I wonder is how surprised anyone would have been if the episode ended with PB dropping off another piece of modern furniture.

or a licensed minx milker?

"Wizards only, fool!"

I always assumed everyone liked Wrigley field because it's so minty and refreshing.

Dress up as ghost and haunt the opposing team's locker room.

Yes the show is created, watched and discussed on the internet by humans as part of their society.

Which, in the case of this episode, was definitely not the case. Total fascism.

I agree, of course, there has to be some kind of governance, I'm not an anarchist. The over concentration of power without checks and balances in a society almost always leads to terrible consequences.

I was eating at the time. FU AVCLUB!

Jim never projectile vomits at home….

I thought was more because her addiction to the spotlight would ruin TT's wedding. I mean she was wearing a wedding gown when she tried to crash it.

Someone is pro-fascist. And for the record, my parents never grounded me or any of my siblings, or sent us to time-out. It actually kind of disgusts me when I see my friends being abusive and treating their kids like shit and thinking it is normal. Don't get me wrong, it's a perfectly good way to raise your children

She didn't create the King of All OOO, the one she went all Nazi on. Also, she was aware of the wrong she was committing before she did it. And the show is watched by human civilazation. By the way, humans are created by humans too.

"she embodies the worst qualities of females" but is voiced by a man