Kevin Phoenix


Are you

On the contrary, I'd say it cares very deeply about its characters. It has an extraordinarily empathetic point of view.

Absolutely. Especially in the show's early years, "Hey, Brian's a dog!" and "Hey, Stewie's a baby!" were the genesis of all my favorite moments.

According to Capra, the film was an attempt to "combat the modern trend toward atheism."

As someone who's been seated with randos, I really don't understand why people do this. At our wedding, we let people sit wherever the hell they wanted, and everyone seemed much happier for it.

I thought she was great in The Last Five Years. To the extent that you can make that play work onscreen.

I was similarly situated at a DRY wedding. It was a dismal affair for all involved.

^ this brought me joy

But yeah, probably nothing from the last few decades.

This sounds like it could make a decent "Inventory" feature.

I can definitely think of a character whose every appearance onscreen instantly made me want to Chang the channel.

"I've seen this before…" -Skips


No love for Slartibartfast?

I dunno… "dreaming a thought that could dream about a thought that could think of the dreamer that thought that could think of dreaming and getting a glimmer of god"

Channel Orange took me a few listens to really be able to absorb it at all. And, no joke, what really solidified my appreciation of it was getting the sheet music.

Yeah. Much like Channel Orange was, it seems far too intimidatingly dense to be able to talk about it intelligently at this early juncture.

You're thinking of "noodling."
To canoodle is to kiss or cuddle amorously.