
Yes, that's well attested—the first American units in Dachau were so pissed that they summarily shot some of the SS there.

The U.S. didn't make a car for three years or so, not for civilians anyway. Too busy making stuff for the army.

There's a reason we do it Afghanistan. Mountain terrain and such.

BTW, does anyone have any fucking idea how to make that list of people who have upvoted go away after you upvote a post?

It is, of course.

Pretty sure it isn't a "spoiler" if Martin has already said it.

oh Jesus, there probably will be, ugh

You're a bad person.

He's on his way, but he don't know where he's going.

I refuse to believe that will happen.

Not listed on the Wikipedia page

That wasn't the real Bert Cooper singing the song, you know.

I imagine I would have said something like that. Or just watched in silent astonishment like Peggy.

My mother watched this with us and started talking about how she and my dad watched it in their tiny apartment sitting on the edge of the bed just like Don, Peggy, Harry, and Pete.

Unless he lights out for Reno immediately, it's too late, and it probably already is.

So many of Don's dalliances—really, all of them, I guess—have been portrayed as negative and harmful. It would be funny if he had some fun, guilt-free office sex with Meredith in season 7B. He'll be single again, why not?

"Her moon-landing face!"

Don't we get more episodes in the end?

Well, they aren't really comparable, as Breaking Bad was setting up the mother of all cliffhangers while Mad Men was going for surrealism.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure Bert is going to Hell. He might actually have been the Devil.