
living legend

I think suicide is a lot more complicated than that and you'd really have be inside the person's head to make that call as to whether it's selfish or not. Regarding Betty though, I'd peg Pete more for it this season?

One thing I'm wondering, how much of stuff is paid product placement and how much is just creating an accurate portrayal of the times? Weight Watchers stuck out to me in this episode as nobody thinks of it as a "60s" thing even though it was certainly around then.

I think this episode had a lot of good "people screwing other people over" scenes. Ginsberg's idea was better and Don was pretty shitty when he said "I don't think of you at all" when in actuality he got a real kick out of looking at his portfolio. Roger screws over both Peggy and Jane and, as always, attempts to

Pete is an everyman now? Whoa…what does that make those of us who don't come from world-shattering wealth? Oh no..my universe is exploding.

i love her

that pie in jerry's face scene from tonight's ep was one of the saddest and funniest things ever on television. his face!

he only said no to give his whole "obama is too cool" meme some more teeth. once he assumes people have forgotten that he'll be on for sure.

Also just because, well, why not…leland palmer.

do you think peggy is a bit bummed that abe only asked her to move in and not proposed marriage? face look seemed to go from - kinda sad - resolved - happy. i bet what her mom said didn't help. what a pill that one!

uhh? awesome!

I agree. moore isn't ken burns but conservatives try to sell it like he is our rush limbaugh "but worse" and, man, he aint even close. that false equivalency nonsense is ruining our country. moore is a slightly arrogant dude that makes docus about stuff that people need to be talking about. sure he's not a selfless

why even make a sequel? it'll be like two years from now. won't that be time for a reboot?

this may be true on some level but the show has several times shown us that she is actually good at her job and is respected by peggy etc as part of the team. whats wrong with her wanting to do something she is good at?

That was one hell of an episode.

i miss lost.

this show has lost me this season. i feel bad because i love it so deep down.

she seems like a very cool lady.

the data plan is BS but dedicated handhelds can be a great deal of fun, offering the kinds of experiences smartphones and tablets just can't. I dunno. I feel kinda lazy and stupid sitting on my couch for too long playing console games but handhelds scratch that itch because they are real games but I'm still on the way

Agreed. Before holiday season I had no friends that had a 3DS. Now I have like 7. So that's certainly something. 3DS is doing fine. Neither of these, Vita or 3DS, will ever reach the heights of the iOS because everyone has a phone forever. Most of these people are not gamers. They are just people attracted to free or