I talk this book up alot
Blood Meridian Changed the way I look at literature.
It felt simple and beautifully complex all at once.
I talk this book up alot
Blood Meridian Changed the way I look at literature.
It felt simple and beautifully complex all at once.
@ Grey Man
The reason these last couple of seasons have sucked is because the focus has been taken away from creating real fashion and placed on drama and absurdity. They have begun casting people who will bother one another rather than just seeking out the raw talent. As someone who used to watch the show for the…
Being a straight male forces this show to be a guilty pleasure
Rescue me
Now I'm not current on this show but I made it partially through season four and suddenly realized how far down hill it has gone.
The American Office was best when it was just a bunch of office workers in shitty jobs dicking with each other and putting up with the boss. All these story lines in the new seasons are killing it.
I hate where this show has gone.
This was my guilty pleasure for four years, and now look at it. These last two have been complete shit. The best was the season between Uli, Michael, Jeffery, and Laura. With Uli being the best, Jeffery who was also pretty great, Laura who was boring but very capable, and Michael…
I netflixed this today.
Harry Potter
Cliched and badly written I will love these books till the day I die.
I am young and spry
I will never feel old.
In your face mom and dad.
speaking of CK who has seen this
I remember as a kid there was an episode of the Animaniacs where they parodied Apocalypse Now and my dad was laughing a lot and I had no idea why he liked it so much. It's my goal to now find and rewatch that episode.
The theory is you discover the joy of figuring out the language at the same time you read through the gruesome imagery.
Forced to be an Angel
So what are people's views on the Ludivigo technique? Is it okay to alter someones moral code if it will make him a "better" person.
No on both, it cheapens the whole thing.
And you look horrorshow.
We Built this City
Starship cover should be awesome.
This may be the best idea AV has had in a while.
Best line. "I would happily blow twenty guys in an alley with bleedy dicks, get AIDS, and then fuck a deer, and then kill it with my AIDS."
Louis CK's Chewed Up is the funniest thing I have ever heard.
You are my favorite commenter.
You can't hurt me, not with my cheese helmet!