Orange Lazarus

The biggest problem I had with Brave was a big exposition dump in the middle of the movie and then the ridiculousness of that exposition. **SPOILERS FOR BRAVE** So our main character falls into a pit: "This pit is the castle of some ancient king. The ancient king from that story I heard earlier in the movie. That king

"But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!!!" *Pouts*

"But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!!!" *Pouts*

It was told on a previous episode of Comedy Bang-Bang/Death-Ray too. I think by Sarah Silverman to Scott.

It was told on a previous episode of Comedy Bang-Bang/Death-Ray too. I think by Sarah Silverman to Scott.

I do this with seasons, times of day, my mood, weather and location. Did you know "From Here We Go Sublime" by The Field sounds 10-20% better when listened to during a blizzard or when traveling on a train (I've never done both at the same time; it is probably amazing). "The Glow pt. 2" by The Microphones sounds

I do this with seasons, times of day, my mood, weather and location. Did you know "From Here We Go Sublime" by The Field sounds 10-20% better when listened to during a blizzard or when traveling on a train (I've never done both at the same time; it is probably amazing). "The Glow pt. 2" by The Microphones sounds

What happened to Worrissey? I want to hear what he has to say about this.

What happened to Worrissey? I want to hear what he has to say about this.

Which was expertly parodied as "The Faster You Push Me, the Farther I Get" on Bill Nye the Science Guy.

Which was expertly parodied as "The Faster You Push Me, the Farther I Get" on Bill Nye the Science Guy.

Peter Serafinowicz is about 10 years too old to play Ramsay Bolton. The actor who plays Roose looks to be around 50 and I don't see him having a 40 year-old son. But I guess they could fudge the ages a little. Another guy that looks super creepy but maybe too old to play Ramsey is Kevin Durand who played Keamy on

Peter Serafinowicz is about 10 years too old to play Ramsay Bolton. The actor who plays Roose looks to be around 50 and I don't see him having a 40 year-old son. But I guess they could fudge the ages a little. Another guy that looks super creepy but maybe too old to play Ramsey is Kevin Durand who played Keamy on

Another comedian that is surprisingly old: Demitri Martin who is 39. I think it just takes a long time to become well-known in comedy.

Another comedian that is surprisingly old: Demitri Martin who is 39. I think it just takes a long time to become well-known in comedy.

That scene where he is standing in front of Roger's Op-Art did seem like foreshadowing.

That scene where he is standing in front of Roger's Op-Art did seem like foreshadowing.

I was lukewarm on Saul Goodman's appearance on CBB, but I am excited by the idea that Breaking Bad and CBB take place in the same fictional universe. In the Comedy Bang Bang universe, Scott Aukerman used to be a writer/performer on Mr. Show with Bob Odenkirk. Does that mean that Bob and Saul are doppelgangers or are

I was lukewarm on Saul Goodman's appearance on CBB, but I am excited by the idea that Breaking Bad and CBB take place in the same fictional universe. In the Comedy Bang Bang universe, Scott Aukerman used to be a writer/performer on Mr. Show with Bob Odenkirk. Does that mean that Bob and Saul are doppelgangers or are

I finished Season 3 of Peep Show. Still funny. Great twist in the Mark-Sophie relationship. This show is determined to be unsentimental (so far). I guess the moment where Mark and Jeremy have a nice talk about the Mark's relationship with Sophie was sentimental but it was undermined by the aforementioned twist.