Orange Lazarus

I wasn't very involved with this but my roommates and a few friends watched 10 hours of He-Man singing a techno remix of the 4 Non-Blondes song What's Going On? (here is the video: http://tinyurl.com/644o7ld). There was also drinking game involved with it that used the proof of alcohol to earn points. One kid almost

@avclub-e7c26e48b7ee853cbf5e49de5d800745:disqus Hannibal Buress was on an episode of Comedy Death-Ray one time. Sarah Silverman told one of her ironically racist jokes about black people. I remember it being really awkward.

There was a moment when the music awards were being presented and a large piece of set decoration that was a book of sheet music or something was coming through the floor. They have some music buildup up until when it is completely revealed when Billy Crystal undercuts it by saying "Eh." Then he chuckles. It was the

I saw Citizen Kane for the first time. That's a pretty good movie. I played the multiplayer portion of the Mass Effect 3 demo. Spent most of my time failing to actually join a game. Also played Left 4 Dead 1 with my dad through the internet. We died in the last stage and gave up. It was great.

I'm a little confused on why the line "If you look up comedy in the thesaurus you'll see a picture of Michael Keaton putting a slice of pizza in a wallet" wasn't it in the quotes of the week section. 

The scariest episodes of Lost are the ones involving the cabin that houses Jacob (or the Smoke Monster?). Other spooky things on Lost: Dream sequences (especially the one where Locke has black eyes), the Dharma Orientation videos, the Dharma Stations, anytime the Others appeared out of nowhere, the smoke monster, the

They are both Dan Aykroyd.

I used to think that maybe Modest Mouse would be similar to Radiohead in terms of ambition and reliability. I don't really think that anymore because their last album was kind of shitty but Lonesome Crowded West and The Moon and Antarctica had a scope to them that was similar to Radiohead. I'm probably overrating