
Ah Soupy, he dance the hully gully, he could imitate Vin Scully.

the singer for Shudder to Think is Married?

I liked all of Ariaga's movies and thought that 21 grams was underrated. This movie seems like the resulting husk of an exorcism between the writer and director. But what will come of Innaritu? Snow Dogs 2?

shorter review
WK is not not a trained pianist. Unless you were curious about that there's no reason to listen to this album.

country : music :: competitive watermelon seed spitting: sports

Take it easy on the guy. It's not like he killed anyone.

wait wait wait….
Major Payne was awesome. Mr. Wrong gets points for being a movie about Ellen Degeneres not being able to find the right man.

*spoiler alert*
after three hours something "actually takes place."

I'd like to kiss that man between the cheecks.

Wyclef acting like an untalented shmuck? That's unpossible! What song was that when he said "For all those sleeping on my guitar skills, yo, turn my guitar up" Then he proceeds to play the lamest most pathetic guitar solo ever.

the best parts
The best thing about the cover for G.I. Bro was the original tagline "If you're a Kraut, he'll take you out." Also I loved the scene where Castalleri as the Nazi officer bitches out the American hostages "You and your chewing gum… you are like children! And your women are WHORES!"

Not that anyone's complaining about seeing Mena Savari in a movie right? Hot Damn it's on Netflix instant viewing!

if these guys arent played on mtv ten times a day its a liberal conspiracy
I saw these guys walking by a demonstration in DC a year and a half ago (explains all the dated references). I'm surprised they're still trying.

Quenten, I'm starting to come around…
Do any of you remember that it was this treaty of versailles shit that started the war in the first place? What the fuck kind of self important revenge fantasy is this? It's like if Alfonso Cuaron made movies about avenging the alamo. How about making a lame action movie about

you had me at buckets of gore…
If this OZploitatoin business can touch Peter Jackson's early stuff let's talk.

LHOTL and Virgin Spring had the same basic plot but I'm not sure how similar they are past that.

Roman Polanski is the greatest rapist alive.

Just in time for father's day.

better question…
how do you get two horses to willfully race off a cliff in unison?