
The ancient Egyptians had a dietary prohibition of pork, since they believed that that was where leprosy came from. I kinda assumed the writers were playing off that, along with the topical concern with transgenic viruses (bird flu, swine flu, etc).

This set of episodes touches on two of my biggest peeves about this show: 1. No one can sign somebody else up for the armed services, as Lucille supposedly did with Buster (although, to be fair it did seem like Hurwitz & co were addressing that before they decided that 'Buster in the army' had more potential). 2. A

This set of episodes touches on two of my biggest peeves about this show: 1. No one can sign somebody else up for the armed services, as Lucille supposedly did with Buster (although, to be fair it did seem like Hurwitz & co were addressing that before they decided that 'Buster in the army' had more potential). 2. A

I'm pretty sure that Loki & Puck weren't working for anyone, really. Loki just wanted to hurt Morpheus, and Puck just liked messing with people. If they WERE put up to it, it was by the three sisters; they were the driving force behind all the disparate events that culminated in the death at the end. But also, in a

It seriously was. Although it was trying to pull itself out of the gutter in its last few years. I was there a few months before, and couldn't think of a reason to keep it going beyond nostalgia. Still, I did feel kinda bad when it closed.

Yes. That is what I'm saying. Also that it is much harder to take DW seriously after watching "DiG".
Also (and apropos of nothing) there should be a club for people who were on both "Gilmore Girls" and "Veronica Mars". Just cuz.

I think "Judaism" is different than "Jewishness", though. At least when you're discussing pop-cultural events. But maybe not when you're talking to someone who is actually Hebrew.

I did not meant to use the phrase as a trump (although yes, that is how it is most often used and I should have considered that fact) but more as an apology to whomever finds something funny which I don't. As to your party story: I am an advocate of bringing back the face-slap for everyday use. It doesn't really hurt

I know, right? I recognized him while re-watching episode 2 of "Life", but I did that after "New Girl" started. Didn't connect him to "Veronica Mars" until now; and I was one of the select group who watched the show when it aired (prolly it was the Dandy Warhols song).

This guy actually seems pretty cool from this (no doubt edited(?)) interview. More self-aware than we are led to believe most actors are, and appropriately humble - but not in a I-want-to-thank-my-trainer kind of way. It's always nice to have our suspicions confirmed; also, there's the whole Deschanel family thing,

There is a difference between "doing comedy" and being funny - although there really shouldn't be; we are each of us human, after all. there should be some commonality.
However, in this atomized and segregated age of thousand plus channels, we should allow for the maxim, "de gustibus non est disputandam".

You have hit upon the ultimate truth of DFW.

Not really my point; even though completely valid and I kinda agree. But I was just saying: pick a side, dude.

"and some might argue better": Nice hedge. Douche.