Deus Ex Macaroni

Define "cheap" horror. Not complaining-I like Straub too, but I've always thought of him on the more respectable end of genre fiction, light years above all that vampire/fairy/demon-hunter/slut-bunny crap that's cluttering up the paperback racks lately.

"It's better to be dead and cool…than alive and uncool." Holy crap Harley Davidson etc. was a demented movie. Vanesssa Williams married to Big John Stud??? Wow. And the script…my God, Don Michael Paul's stuff makes Eric Red read like freakin' Shakespeare.

Check out Charles Stross' Atrocity Archives and Jennifer Morgue; they're interesting mash-ups of Lovecraft and James Bond-ish thrillers.

John Favreau was working on this before he did Iron Man. Now apparently Andrew Stanton and Pixar are involved. This could kick ass.

Oddly enough…
When I look at jelly donuts, I see vaginas.
I've been banned for life from Krispy Kreme

The only thing that would've made the movie better would have been another Ted Levine sack dance. Maybe in the director's cut…

Does anyone else think it's hilarious that The Bikini Book was apparently published by a company called Assouline?

Damn, I did type Miller instead of Moore up there. I should just go die in a fire.
GeoX-I think schizophrenia might be off the mark. I'm leaning more toward Tourette's Syndrome aggravated by chronic hypoglycemia. Maybe with a bad antihistmine reaction thrown in. I could easily back up my diagnosis with links to medical

But if Janet's friend is willing to choke down pork brains in milk gravy-something even the Great and Powerful Chang apparently won't touch-then he's a worthy challenger. Game on, I say.
Also, frog spawn soda?? Where in holy hell is THAT from?

They seriously kept the carpet? I'm only shopping at B&N from now on.
In Alaskan dry villages they actually drink Lysol. Even serve it at weddings. Hobos don't know what they're missing.

"…I like being objectified on geeky message boards…I like the attention; that's why I invited it."
Well, you've definitely come to the right place. But, DD's notwithstanding, if you want to reach Phel-like levels of worship, we really need to know more about you, make sure you're our "type"-you're not a Nickelback

Joe Bob Briggs

I'm hoping for Tom Strong as a Bollywood extravaganza.

WHY CAN'T YOU LET HIM BE GREAT???????????????????????????
I'm half convinced that bajingohound is one of Kanye West's other personalities. Based on writing style, anyway.
ACS…he's THAT guy? Are you sure? He hasn't registered an actual profile, so he could just be some random troll.
Admittedly the thought of more than

I'm still amazed at just how bad that movie turned out, but I just can't lay it all at James Robinson's feet. He wrote some of the best comics of the 90's: The Golden Age, Starman, and Leave It To Chance are still amazingly good reads. Short of a psychotic break, I just can't see crapping out something that lousy

If we get you a spacesuit, will you do tours like that guy that inspired Kramer? Also, what do you think about Turtle from entourage in the lead? I think he could be the next Kevin Dillon.

I've always assumed that mbs is a bubble boy and we, the avclub community, are his only link to a wider world.


I am offended…
…by your implicit sexism, Amelie. A male publicist is just as capable of writing something this mind-numbingly stupid as a woman.

The gold standard of war correspondents has always been Ernie Pyle. You can read some of his columns at Indiana University's School of Journalism.