I noticed it too and I think it sucks. I hope they don't waste an episode explaining something that never really needed explaining like L O S T did for Adam and Eve or Richard's backstory.
I noticed it too and I think it sucks. I hope they don't waste an episode explaining something that never really needed explaining like L O S T did for Adam and Eve or Richard's backstory.
At least they gave the kid something to do. Was this the first time this season?
At least they gave the kid something to do. Was this the first time this season?
That was a lot more sideboob than I would expect to see in a network show.
That was a lot more sideboob than I would expect to see in a network show.
Rob is such a fucking asshole. The monster truckers were waving and screaming for the boat navigator to drop them off right next to Phil and he cost them the race? Get fucked.
Rob is such a fucking asshole. The monster truckers were waving and screaming for the boat navigator to drop them off right next to Phil and he cost them the race? Get fucked.
Quick, wish that Charlie and Danny would be killed off.
Quick, wish that Charlie and Danny would be killed off.
"With Ben, Nora and the mysterious Randall accounted for"
"With Ben, Nora and the mysterious Randall accounted for"
I didn't really understand the danger anyone was in.
I didn't really understand the danger anyone was in.
Dog whistle
Dog whistle
He wrote Kokomo.
He wrote Kokomo.
Turk and JD was marquee romance of Scrubs.
Turk and JD was marquee romance of Scrubs.
"(I think if I were ever on this show, that would be my strategy - just
be quiet and cook the food, and let the idiots stammer and yammer and
eliminate themselves one by one. That seems to be the successful tack
most years.)"