
This is how Ryan Kavanaugh from Relativity Media built his empire.  It's all in the data.  There was a really good article about how that company revolutionized metrics in Hollywood in Esquire a couple years back, worth a read.

It's true, all black actors are replaceable with other black actors.

Don't talk about Sean's writing like that!


"Oprah is a force of nature, she's a phenomenon. And I don't mean that in a good way.” - Banksy

They wanted to get the entire AV Club Choir in that headline picture up there, though unfortunately there wasn't time for a photo opportunity.

The real colonel kills people with candlesticks in the library.

I was a little disappointed that it was Tio Salamanca that ended up killing Gus instead of Walt or Jesse (I actually thought it was going to be Jesse).  Others are upset that a bad guy like Tio got revenge, but my problem is that Walt and Jesse didn't get enough of a dramatic revenge. Walt hears from the radio, and

Not exactly a lightweight.

What's a pederast, Walter?

"Their hatred of people who don't come from America, however, is staggering."
If it's not racially based, it would not appear to relevant to this discussion.

Should have got Hank Schrader on the case. Schrades!

Say what you want about the tenets of stream crossing, man, at least it's an ethos.

2 Dream 2 Furious

The fourth one will undoubtedly be called, simply, The Dream Girl. Which will then be followed by more sequels.

I remember when I first saw them, I liked 3 a lot better than 2.  But I have come to realize that 2 is criminally underrated.  The entire conceit of revisiting the actual events of the first movie is the most brilliant thing any sequel has ever done (although a close second is Terminator 2's bringing the villain back

Crusade is a great movie. Can't say I liked it better than Ark, but that might just be the nostalgia talking. Crusade was a great movie.

"if memory serves"? I didn't know you used to hang with Dave back in the day.