
Community's fragile, very fragile.

standards have fallen in sitcom entertainment. It's video, Dude. Now that we're competing with the amateurs, we can't afford to invest that little extra in story, production value, FEELING.

This is not a guy who built the railroads.

Fucking fascist!

Saturday is shabbos, Donny, the Jewish day of rest. I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't fucking buy a house!

I'm the baby, you gotta love me!

After I read the horrendous The Accidental Billionaires, I swore I wouldn't watch the movie version, which I assumed would suck as badly. It turns out that Fincher's movie is NOT based on the book. It is only based on Mezrich's short treatment for the book, which Mezrich used to get his advance. The book

Can we just have a movie
with only Bryan Cranston and John Hawkes in it? That's all I need.

"Ables Irdiot Neil Aeht Dias," said the alien to Idris Elba.

Vanilla Sky, with only HALF of the movie played by Stringer Bell.