KaBOOM! killed my father.
KaBOOM! killed my father.
Batusi, like the Watusi.
Brave and the Bold is definitely targeted to a younger demographic than JLU was. It embraces the campiness and cartoonishness of the golden age batman characters, while JLU told detailed stories in a dynamic universe with fully realized, often morally ambiguous heroes. While I can appreciate both shows for what they…
and you are attempting to spell camaraderie like it does not actually exist…
I too thought this was a great episode. You could totally see the whole "Wrestling=soap opera" angle coming, but then they subverted it by turning it into a full on opera, with absolutely no actual wrestling. I agree that the coach storyline was a little flat and one-note, but the payoff was worth it, in my opinion.
I thought they were saying "El Boyo Loco", but then some of the mexican fans held up an EL Pollo Loco sign. El es el hombre!
Not since he became head writer, after Tina Fey left.
I disagree with your assertion that it was fairly predictable after you got the first setup. The predictable skit would have been the Beast explaining that he is expecting her to transform into a horned, hairy creature like himself, so she too could be a "Beauty". The reveal that he thought she just needed a big ol'…
What about Charlie "Wild Card, Bitches!" Kelly?
Bullshit- Kevin got beat by Dave every time they went head to head. Dave won 3 of the last 5 challenges, took out Kevin in the head to head challenge, and embarassed him in the finale. Kevin was so full of himself he failed to notice that he kept getting beat.
As a Kansan, I sincerely hope you are not mocking our world's largest ball of twin, housed in Cawker City, KS.
Milhouse, give him his soul back! I've got work in the morning!
Aw geez, you got the stink lines drawn there and everything…
I has no problem with the whole office being at the rehearsal dinner. I have been in a few location weddings, and normal practice has always been that anyone who came up a day early is invited to the rehearsal dinner.
It was my understanding that Marshall and Lily, in full-on "double date" mode became completely different people, behaving differently and trying to take part in odd activities that they would never do in a "friend" setting. The fact that Lily and Marshall called them out on their creepiness allowed them to better…
Ox- I was hoping they would have her reach behind her into a box containing more NYC snowglobes, and then pan out to reveal box after box after box.
Sorry Bitches, the answer is Aerosmith
I've often had this same argument with friends, and the sad truth is that Aerosmith is the GARB. 21 top 40 hits, 9 no. 1s, and the staying power of a household name that is universally recognized. Add to that the commercial success they have achieved, the multitude of…
Oh Snap!
I too was under the impression that it was Jason's weed, and he was simply trying to protect his livelihood. Let's face it, keeping the power running at a defunct and decrepit summer camp has to be costly, and what better way to defray these expenses than to sale herb to the locals. That's probably why that old lady…