Devil Flanders

The episode where Hal is forced to take part in a self-help clinic, but the guy running it takes off at the pivotal moment, so Hal comforts the crying woman with "Hey, you, know…" and everyone thinks he's a genius. Love it. And he's clearly just making shit up the entire time.

JVS- Agreed! That clown fight was epic, from the switch to slo-mo to the gentle music playing over the background, to Dewey hiding uder the table to eat the stolen birthday cake.

What do you call someone who fails out of medical school?

Ya used me, Skinner! YA USED ME!!!!!

But it was almost free cookie day…

"He WAS the Karate Kid!"


There are several copies of this movie in the New Releases of my Kansas Hastings. I feel your pain.

But we already know from last week that Bret and Jemaine prefer having a sleep to most other activities.

The Best thing about this show
is how they take a pretty standard tv show cliche, Meeting the Friend of a Friend, and turn it around. Most shows (like Friends, for example), have done this, and the new friend is a dick or wierd, and the regular characters have to figure out a way to get rid of them. But FOTC makes

I think it was the far guy from Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. And some car rental commercials.

People, obviously in the future we as a society have lost our illogical mores concerning casual sex, and have no problem discussing this sort of thing with our kids.

I used totell people this also, until they started saying "Why are you watching Lifetime".

Batman. 1998-2001

Actually, I thought that Sheldon's comment that "All of your problems could be solved with more money" showed that he probably has never really worried about money, or paid it particualr attention. Going through school he probably never had to work and was on scholarship, and now his income clearly exceeds his needs.

This episode made me laugh at Sheldon's halloween costume all over again.

It was a growth, dammit!

Holy Shit, that IS April O'Neal! I never put that together. Hopefully we can get an Elias Koteas cameo in the future and rekindle that heat…

I noticed that last week too. I was watching and I checked my DVR b/c it seemed like the episode should have almost been over, but it had only been like 20 minutes. Amazing! The same thing happens with the OZ reruns I dvr.

Isn't James Earl wearing a zebra in that scene?