
Like "City of Death" in the Tom Baker years, "The Mind Robber" is one of those stories that doesn't follow the "traditional" model of its era and is much loved by fans for it. But those stories while good (though I think "City" is vastly overrated) aren't always the best ways to introduce people to an era.

I believe part of one of the many masterplans for a new series was to rework several of the classic serials for the newer audience. I seem to recall the Cybermen would also be re-imagined as the Cybs.

Dying Days
When I first tuned in to the film, my initial reaction was the movie failed because it tried to be everything to everyone. And instead it ended up alienating potential new fans and dividing the hard core fans into those who liked it and those who didn't and were told to shut up if we didn't like it because