
Look, if you have the Infnity Gaunlet, you have to murder like half of existing life in the known universe. Otherwise, what's the point of even having the damn thing.

Obviously a few characters will be introduced in it like Carol Danvers.

They're having a hard enough time including any women…but we can dream.

I'd say you might be perfect for the Great Lakes Avengers but you might slightly overqualified. Maybe the Champions?

I am the wrong person to ask about anything relating to Geoff Johns.

So it'll probably be Cyclops.

Ugh, everyone is drawing this parallel with seemingly everything now.

"You didn't see that coming," they'll say.

Jean Grey would utterly obliterate this chart on a conceptual level.

"That one kid loves Peter in the speedo."

His brief Wildcats run with Travis Charest that led into Wildstorm Rising was very good. And the Golden Age is excellent. Leave It To Chance was a fun series (with Paul Smith art), his run on Cable which led into Joe Casey and Jose Ladronn's run was really good and the absolute pinnacle for that character. And his

It's such a good series. It makes me wonder what happened to that James Robinson.

One thing to keep in mind about the first season is that very few us have actually watched it the proper order. Watching the pilot then having them jump right into group shenanigans in the next several episodes only to then deal with Dave and Alex's break up is really jarring when you're binging the episodes (not

We individually state the exact same opinions every time.

I've been going to a string of movies where people have felt it necessary to applaud. It would be welcome and refreshing to experience that of Eight Below.

Howard Mackie is the legit worst.

Before after she was shot in the head?

The problem is we're about a decade or so removed from the time when it was applicable to ignore them.

The "attention" has always felt false to me and is just an easy way for people who don't have to deal with them on a regular basis to dismiss them because generally ignoring them doesn't stop the people they target from being harassed and threatened.

Are we really talking about something a liquored up poster was saying?