
Top 10 blog-themed Diane Keaton movies
1. The Blog Father
2. The Blog Father, Part II
3. Bloggy Hall
4. Bloghattan Blogger Mystery
5. Look Who's Blogging Now
6. The First Wive's Blog
7. Blogger of the Bride Part Blog
8. Blog It Again, Blog
9. Bloggy and Blogger Go to Blog York
10. Bloggy Boom

Buck up, li'l Jowoco! You're on the internet—birthplace of fanfic. Seek and ye shall find.

Anfernee Hardaway once shot a man just for snoring too loud.

"No soup for Jews!"

Appropriate Seinfeld Quotes Thread
Hate the Sein!

"What'choo talkin' 'bout, Windu??"

Aw, don't fret. You'll find a good AV Club schtick some day. Keep trying! (Only maybe not *quite* so hard…)

Best Muppet movie?
I've gotta go with the original. It had the best story, best songs ("Moving Right Along", "Can You Picture That?", "Rainbow Motherfucking Connection"), and the best cameos (Dom Deluise, Steve Martin, Orson Fucking Welles).

Wrong or no, I *choose* to believe your story, Fidel.

Wooden lion mask
On the contrary, I thought Madonna looked more like an actual human being than she has in many a year.

"The one thing I abhor above all else is pudginess in a comedian. "

Revelation 3:16
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.

*Pimple masturbates furiously*