I'm going to give it a try at least, but I won't be around tomorrow until evening. If there's a shitshow, it will presumably have died down by then.
I'm going to give it a try at least, but I won't be around tomorrow until evening. If there's a shitshow, it will presumably have died down by then.
Remember, if your nose starts bleeding it's because you're picking it too much. Or you're not picking it enough.
Ah, sure, sure, here you go: Düff, from Sweden.
This place has been positively crammed with sizzling gypsies.
I think the talkies are going to ruin firsting.
Factually or morally?
How about all of the above at the same time? I took the Feat.
What about in dog years?
I remember. I'm gonna say back in 19-dickety-two?
The C.B. Club
Oh, hire a sex worker already.
If you have to ask, you're not ready.
Well, tell me which article is the savagery one and I'll go there.
Let me just go cash my Marvel check first.
I'm Peter Graves.
I always thought the d12 got screwed.
The A.V. Club used to be the center of our scene. now A.V. Club's over.
No one really goes there.
Then we used to drink beneath this railroad bridge.
Some nights the bus wouldn't even stop. There was just too many commenters.
Money can be exchanged for Stars and being lifted out of the Grays!
Mynd you, Kinja bites Kan be pretty nasti.
And a pretty cool polyhedron.