
I wish I had more friends who had a hard on for laser tag like I do. Or an adult league. There's leagues for kickball.

You mean release?

I continue to believe that this season should have had 20 episodes that were half-length. There is just not enough material here. I miss Huey and Riley stories now.

They do previously on? That makes me more tolerant of HBOGO not being worth a damn until midnight.

That can't be right. What's the percentage for strangely aroused?

It's disgusting that Roosterteeth wouldn't revolutionize the world to do this right. My tia always said that if you can't recreate a classic video game correctly, you might as well keep doing it.

Cause I laughed at Angie Tribeca

I dug about half of this episode. It's starting to feel like maybe this season should have been cut down to Adventure Time length or something.

You saying Tyrion is the GOAT? Well, alright then.

Maybe not but I had an old teacher who pretty much said as much about this story. He claims that "the left" is only tolerant as long as you fit their agenda.

We know that Carroll is wrong, but are we sure Peebles is right with Jake being wrong? Both of them have Finn working through his anger. Peebles' version included violence. Jake was letting Finn vent his frustration in a way that had no real violence involved. He knew that Finn wouldn't be able to get to outer space.

I feel like they've been doing too much of this recently. They build PB up as this person creating problems and having enemies and yet there are no consequences for her. The gumball defenders or whatever they're called are great shows of strength but now 3 of the threats have been eliminated like nothing. The Flame

Nothing feels natural with Lysa. I'm always off-put by her and her son's existence in the world.

I was so happy this show was dead when Fox renewed B99. Then it wasn't and I was hurt. This is a show to put on in the background between shows that matter while your brain needs time to rest. Also, because Mindy has a lot of famous friends .

That's because VH1 stopped being relevant years ago.

Well, duh, you have to ask before you kiss anybody ever.

Isn't that better? I like that it was tossed out like that instead of it being a dramatic moment with a cut to another scene or credits right away.

No, I still disagree with them. It frees them of a problem that they created. Nobody wanted the Nick and Jess confront a crisis of their relationship every week. The events of this episode could have remained largely unchanged if Nick and Jess were together in something like Season 2.

What? Why is hard for you to point out what your problems with the episode were when a lot of the rest of us just had a good time with the episode. Our differing opinions don't negate yours.

Why? This was better than B 9-9 has been all season.