
Eh, I like the old father but not a dad thing. It would fit with this show's writing if they had said dad and he later revealed he was only her father. I'm clearly not a writer or good thinky thunky as other theories already sound better than what the show has shown so far.

I don't fault the reviewer for not knowing about Alda. Casting ruins moments for me. This show isn't necessarily one that I care getting ruined but it's my general rule of thumb for TV and movies.

A lot of the top podcasts just don't really appeal to me. I'm not a fan of the personalities so while it may be as objectively good as comedy can get, it's not my cup of tea. My picks for top podcasts are Uhh Yeah Dude and We Are Alive. Welcome to Night Vale was interesting but it felt very much like we really love

I can't put this episode up there with Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad. It's just not right.

That was the initial cool theory that people were speculating about. It had looked to be defused but given the setup for the mid-season premiere, it seems reasonable.

Fate? The Governor deciding to kill because he didn't like the cereal at the camp last week wasn't fate. It was bad writing.

Giving up his rage stripped him of his power. Herschel showed that compassionate people die in Zombie Atlanta.

With a weird look on her face. The look ties it all together.

Because of course those red shirt cowards didn't want to be anywhere near the ones allowed to speak.

No, it's just going to be a nice surprise for Rick and Carl when they find out their breakdown was just for giggles.

Trying to be a surrogate mother and feeling responsible for possibly turning them down that path.

Didn't Carl have a shotgun?

And yet the loose Game of Thrones references and uneducated talk of video games got on my nerves. I have become what I hated. I was wondering why they did a Black Friday episode this far away. Having a multiple parter is definitely fun.

That's a bullet I'll gladly take for the team.

Lily is the worst though. That young actress is just so bad that the writers show through almost every time she talks. The only good thing about Lily is Luke's disdain for her. He is my surrogate. Modern Family definitely suffers from spinning their wheels in the same neighborhood with a new lawn gnome every now

I feel like I only like him because of residual feelings for Happy Endings. New Girl should just abduct him from Mindy.

Oddly enough, I thought this was one of the weaker episodes of the season. Yet, it's still so much fun. Plus, I don't hate the characters. Can Max be rescued from Mindy Project and brought over here?

Parks and Rec, Community, and Hannibal. That's three. Your tower of lies is crumbling.

This is truth? Did she know who he was beforehand?

I don't know if it was the faith dying, but it was a major hit for sure. I've always liked Herschel and I'm glad he's been stepping up.