
In times of the zombie apocalypse, these notions of law and order don't necessarily apply. I'd also argue that it's quite naive to think that everyone is redeemable, both in the context of the show or in real life.

The classical sections were utilized very well this season. Strange as it may seem, it was Ren & Stimpy's use of Camille Saint-Saens and Tchaikovsky that got me into classical music at a very young age. It will never be used to better effect than in some of the truly disturbing early R&S episodes (i.e. selling rubber

No. Sunny kills all. Seinfeld was always consistently strong. South Park got so much stronger over time to the point where it's early sophomoric shock material is almost unrecognizable. I don't think any comedy series has done social satire better. Sunny, though, began strong and never let up. This was a disappointing

You're making a big mistake, buddy. Just watch The Room and love it. Do it for the humor part of your soul.

At this point in the series, they need to get pretty creative with the gore to make it stand out. I could do without it personally, but there's a segment of the fan base that enjoys the horror/sfx aspects that occasionally needs catering, so I'm not going to take issue when they lay it on thick.

Thought this was one of the better episodes of the season. It continued the slow establishment of life in Alexandria but also progressed the storyline toward the inevitable destruction/civil war of the settlement and picked up on seemingly forgotten characters Eugene and Gabriel. Gabriel's always been weird and has