
For some reason I saw "Two If By Sea" in the theater…it was during my major Sandra Bullock crush phase that most heterosexual males were going through at the time…and I can confirm that "Some Like It Hot" is, in fact, a superior movie. There, I said it. (insert some kind of emoticon here)

Beautifully stated and completely accurate.

A fair but perhaps too cruel assessment of his skills, or lack thereof. I
believe his character was only 16 or 17 at most…and plenty of
musicians at that age don't have anything other than technical abilities
and no idea how to play along with other musicians. At that age I was a
really good drummer but it wasn't

It's true. He wasn't a terrible drummer but he had no experience playing with other musicians so he kept speeding up and didn't pay attention to what everyone else was doing. I was pretty much the same way at that age. As I got older and played in more bands, I got much better at hearing what was going on around me.

As a drummer who looked & acted like the geeks but had the same
musical tastes as the freaks back in 1980, I can confirm how accurate
Nick's scenes are in this episode. I never did the dry ice thing but I
did feel like a rock star when I played along with my Rush, Police, Who
& Zeppelin tapes (the only difference was

Was just about to post the same thing. It's like that movie has been erased from his filmography. It may not be quite as great as the "trilogy" but it's pretty close (and I'm guessing it's some people's favorite).

As a huge Zeppelin fan who was in his freshman year of high school in 1980, I can confirm that the death of John Bonham had me depressed for a long time (I still commemorate that terrible day, Sept. 25, every year by drumming and listening to Zeppelin). Watching Nick in these early episodes had me smiling & cringing

I think the Them Crooked Vultures album is as good as anything else I've heard by Homme (I'm no expert on his music, but I've listened to Kyuss and I own all but one of the OTSA albums). TCV is as good a place to start as any of the albums recommended here.

I was 14 when he died, and tickets for Zeppelin's 1980 tour were just going on sale that week. Sadly I never got to see them, although I've seen all three surviving members multiple times. I still mark the date that Bonham died every year by drumming and cranking some Zeppelin. That's the impact his death has had on

Didn't realize they re-released this. I bought the limited edition version for around $120-$130 when it was initially available. I guess that won't be increasing in value. Still, it's one of my most prized pop-culture possessions.

As someone who was a high school freshman in the 1980-81 school year, this show really hit home for me. Physically I was a geek, somewhere between Bill & Neal, but I was also a John Bonham-obsessed drummer so I totally related to Nick. Also, I had a tomboy older sister who was annoyed by me but also helped me when I

So they included Smith's daughter in the photo for a list of father-son films? Hmm, interesting choice.

No love for the underrated "Honkytonk Man" with Clint & Kyle Eastwood? Also, I'm pretty good at math, and it looks like the subject ("16 father-son acting pairs…") and the actual number listed (15) don't match. Who will earn slot #16?
[Edit: Looks like the subject has been updated. Sadly there will be no #16]

If I have to suffer through another season of Fred Armisen, this time with no Bill Hader, that might be too much for me to take. Hader's been the all-star of this cast for a while. It'll be interesting to see who picks up the slack (looking at you, Taran Killam).

The Towering Inferno is probably the first movie that had a huge impact on me. I guess I was about 7 or 8 when it came out, and for months all I would draw every day was a tall building engulfed in flames with people jumping to their deaths. As a lifelong New Yorker, I now shudder at this memory…but I still love that

In a just world (no pun intended…really), Del Amitri lead singer and chief songwriter, the brilliant Justin Currie, would be the most beloved Justin of them all. Great voice, great songs…and he's Scottish. And, as we all know, if it's not Scottish it's CRAP!

Nice to see someone showing love to the first Austin Powers movie. The sequels kinda sucked the life out of the character, but the original is still funny.

Not sure if this is a goodbye or a kiss-off, but the last scene in The Last American Virgin is gut-wrenching. Gary shows up at the party to give Karen a ring, only to find her hooking up again with his best friend (both of whom just look at him like they're thinking, "too bad for you…we're together"). How many teen

This was the quote of the night for me, especially since I was sitting next to my yoga-instructor wife. She laughed, but not as much as I did.

No mention of Morgan's "West Side Story"-in-prison reference? That was the highlight of the episode for me. I wish I remember the exact quote. It was something like, "we never got past previews…6 dead."