
Josh Peck (standing, 3 people in) is thinking, "Can the guy in the front please point his gun in another direction? I don't want to get my blood and brains all over my nice wool cap."

Josh Peck (standing, 3 people in) is thinking, "Can the guy in the front please point his gun in another direction? I don't want to get my blood and brains all over my nice wool cap."

What about David Koechner playing Blake? Doesn't everyone confuse him for Corddry anyway? And they both have names where you have to double-check the spelling before posting your comment.

What about David Koechner playing Blake? Doesn't everyone confuse him for Corddry anyway? And they both have names where you have to double-check the spelling before posting your comment.

The Madonna impersonator episode (don't recall the title) was my favorite of the season. It wasn't rated very highly here, but that's the one I laughed the most at. His/her version of "When The Saints Go Marching In" had me in tears. Overall this season probably wasn't as good as last season, but who cares? It was

The Madonna impersonator episode (don't recall the title) was my favorite of the season. It wasn't rated very highly here, but that's the one I laughed the most at. His/her version of "When The Saints Go Marching In" had me in tears. Overall this season probably wasn't as good as last season, but who cares? It was

The best part about watching the Peanuts Thanksgiving special the past few years is that it's now paired up with the '80s special, "The Mayflower Voyagers." Where else can you see various Peanuts characters vomiting over the side of a ship, followed by them settling the New World while many of their fellow pilgrims

The best part about watching the Peanuts Thanksgiving special the past few years is that it's now paired up with the '80s special, "The Mayflower Voyagers." Where else can you see various Peanuts characters vomiting over the side of a ship, followed by them settling the New World while many of their fellow pilgrims

Understood, but I'm talking about Carl Wilson singing the lines "We'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow. That's where we wanna go." For me, the rest of the song could be a massive turd (as many people think it already is), but I would listen to it just for that small section.

Understood, but I'm talking about Carl Wilson singing the lines "We'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow. That's where we wanna go." For me, the rest of the song could be a massive turd (as many people think it already is), but I would listen to it just for that small section.

Just to clarify, I don't think it's one of their best songs, but it's not the excrement that so many haters would have us believe. Some songs can be mindless pop fluff and still have listenable elements. This is one of them. In the Beach Boys canon, there are many songs and albums that should be explored before giving

Just to clarify, I don't think it's one of their best songs, but it's not the excrement that so many haters would have us believe. Some songs can be mindless pop fluff and still have listenable elements. This is one of them. In the Beach Boys canon, there are many songs and albums that should be explored before giving

'80s schmaltz? Yep. Terrible? That's subjective. But I stand my defense of "Kokomo" solely based on Carl Wilson's vocals. The guy sang "God Only Knows" so he could make even the most unlistenable song worth hearing. As for their "simplistic" '60s music, I don't see that as a negative. Yep, they definitely blended

'80s schmaltz? Yep. Terrible? That's subjective. But I stand my defense of "Kokomo" solely based on Carl Wilson's vocals. The guy sang "God Only Knows" so he could make even the most unlistenable song worth hearing. As for their "simplistic" '60s music, I don't see that as a negative. Yep, they definitely blended

For jiminy jillikers and anyone else who might be interested in my 9-part series on the Beach Boys catalog, here's a link: http://kamertunesblog.wordp…

For jiminy jillikers and anyone else who might be interested in my 9-part series on the Beach Boys catalog, here's a link: http://kamertunesblog.wordp…

I was going to write basically everything you did, so I'll just give your comment a hearty thumbs-up! I will add one thing: Elvis' 70s band was among the tightest and most powerful units of that or any era. Severely under-appreciated.

I was going to write basically everything you did, so I'll just give your comment a hearty thumbs-up! I will add one thing: Elvis' 70s band was among the tightest and most powerful units of that or any era. Severely under-appreciated.

So happy to find others who don't hate "Kokomo." I'm in my mid-40s and should be a hipster who only likes their classics, but pretty much anything with Carl Wilson's voice will have some redeeming quality, and his singing on "we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow" makes it an essential Beach Boys song. I'm

So happy to find others who don't hate "Kokomo." I'm in my mid-40s and should be a hipster who only likes their classics, but pretty much anything with Carl Wilson's voice will have some redeeming quality, and his singing on "we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow" makes it an essential Beach Boys song. I'm