Che Gorilla

Another day.  Another reason to hate Radiohead.

When you're a dad, and you get stuck taking your teenage daughter and her 2 friends to the concert, you really appreciate them outfits.  They are even better when you are a single guy pretending you are a dad who is taking his teenage daughter and her two friends to the concert.

It happens every few years.  Same thing was said about Husker Du, At the Drive-In and Thursday.  And about 10 other bands that we heard the same thing about and never heard from them again.

It happens every few years.  Same thing was said about Husker Du, At the Drive-In and Thursday.  And about 10 other bands that we heard the same thing about and never heard from them again.

I am in my early 30's now.  I spent most of my teens in the hardcore scene in Philly in the 90's. I graduated from the scene, which I always felt was the point of hardcore.  It was about making changes in your life, and making a bad situation better.  If you want to sit around and cry and be miserable, go listen to

I am in my early 30's now.  I spent most of my teens in the hardcore scene in Philly in the 90's. I graduated from the scene, which I always felt was the point of hardcore.  It was about making changes in your life, and making a bad situation better.  If you want to sit around and cry and be miserable, go listen to