
"Cock of" ?

See, there's a back-story involving the outcome of a hockey game which I kinda spoiled for her a few days earlier in which I was on the receiving end of her wrath which, truth be told, is a bit more frightening than any I can muster on such short notice. That one didn't end in belly laughs as much as it ended with me

AV Club gonna cover the dancy show? Who's the assigned writer-person?

DC and DA singing "Hero"
I, too, found the performance surprisingly good.
I thought to myself, DA would make a nice side-kick for DC.

I said it before, but I'm pretty sure DC isn't very good with his guitar.

So how did they translate "charmingly bitchy" into a cupcake?

I called it "Boring" and the glasses "a bit unsettling" and fast forwarded through it all.
I prefer Mr Michael sleeping in stopped cars under traffic lights.

MechSepChick, your version is CLEARLY superior.

Haha! I thought I was the only one.
My wife came home and had accidentally learned the winner from the radio. I yelled at her (BAD husband!) not to tell me so I could watch it on the recording.

That's what a cell-phone company would do.

You didn't really cover Steve's sort-off return.
I liked the Steve stuff. The Steve-stain and Steve-in-the-cam were actually a little creepy, and Steve-in-a-white-suit was not a terrible blow line to the set-up.

Where is the line between nerd, geek and enthusiast?

Another season where the runners up are the real winners
I have a feeling Archuleta will win because of the millions of tweeny girls with his number on the speed-dial.

Don't get me wrong, I like reunions and hugging.
I just don't want them to happen with the action muted, in slow-motion, and accompanied by an overwhelming army of stringed instruments.

Nerf gun
Hey, that blackmarket vessel Sam was using last episode, didn't he have a few shots left? I wonder if that'll make a return.

Reunion theme
Funny you should mention the reunion theme with the slow-mo hugging.
I was just thinking how much I hate it when LOST mutes the action audio, slow-mo's the poop out of everything and then string-sections us to death.
I usually fast forward at 2X in self defense!

Favorite line this week:
"Oh. Ok. Let's do that, then!"

Pustules! How would you find them in such a long-haired cat?

Fun to speculate!

For some reason I was expecting the missing pages to be riders on how Sam's soul was "co-signed' by his dad or some such legalisticality…
It seems illogical that a parent can sell the sould of a child, that doesn't jibe with most "sell your soul" stories. So I figured there were catches.