Pancakes for One

Thanks guys! I just googled DMX XXL Interview and it's hilarious. I thought they made that bit up but it's almost word for word. This is awesome. Thanks!

Does anyone else have dreams that don't feel real?
When I dream I always dream in this weird meta way where I know I'm dreaming.

Not in on the joke maybe…
Is Thugnificant supposed to be someone? My friend told me that there really was a rapper who didn't know who Obama was and then supported him when he found out a black guy was running for president. Is Thugnificant based on a real person?

I'm Jon A. Hill
Pancakes is me!

Elitest Trash,

Donna brought up the chicken motif BB continuously brings up once before in her reviews but thought that it might need more analysis.

After editing the Breaking Bad Characters Page on Wikipedia…
I learned that "That Guy" Gus has check up on Jesse and deliver drug money is named Victor.

What's wrong with Preacher other than it's amazing characters, great story, and endless ambition? Oh wait, those are good things. So what's wrong with Preacher?

I'm glad this discussion was very lucid, didn't surcome to name calling, and cited numerous sources. This was actually an insightful message board thread. I liked it.

My real question is…
Where's the Lost review?


I liked that you rhymed Bonin' with Lohan.

I wanted more too, plus predictions
The rumors I was hearing was that the last episode was just going to emphasis the soul crushing emptiness that is post-modern existence. I think T&E are at their best when they're being fucking depressing.

Dear People Who Don't Like Tim and Eric,

I agree! Not to go Cinema Studies 101 on anybody, but this show is AWFUL at presenting women! There's Sarah and the little girl—that's it! You know who else is bad at presenting both women and race? Spike Lee. Is it hard to meld gender and race in a show like this? I don't know, probably is otherwise they'd fix it.

Chekov's Bullet!
Goddamn that was clever! I thought that bullet would never make an appearance again but we knew how badass that bullet was!

All the great story
with none of the boring music!

The Mountain Goats is a great example. Every lyric on Get Lonely is awesome, yet some songs are kinda samey (not that there aren't amazing ones like Get Lonely, Woke Up New, and ESPECIALLY In Corolla). I forgot The Hold Steady. They have awesome lyrics, but I just don't like their music very well.

May we explore the contrast?
Love the lyrics hate the songs?

Ol' Cap'n Jazz just announced they're playing in Champaign-Urbana this September.