Shrimpola Cola

I'm not surprised at all. Every time there's an article about a parent who publicly humiliates their child or violates their privacy, a swarm of terrible people will crawl out of the woodwork to claim that "disrespect" deserves whatever punishment a parent can imagine. It's even worse if the kid is a teenager.

Oh yeah, the two were friends and co-workers before Koz launched 'Son of Svengoolie'. I just really like the story about how Jerry Bishop gave him official permission to drop the 'Son' part in the title when Koz relaunched in the 1990s because he was "all grown up". Considering Koz was in college when he first

Ah, Rich Koz. He is a complete delight. He comes to C2E2 in Chicago ever year and does autographs for free and his line is always out the door. It's always fun watching the nationally known actors try to figure out who the hell he is.

That said, I did almost lose my sister to a high-risk pregnancy last
year, so knowing there are people out there who would hand-wave her
death as "god's will" and then merrily trot off to their own life-saving
surgeries does make me a wee bit upset.

There are plenty of people who believe in pro-life as a concept but also understand that there are situations where an abortion is necessary. That's why I specifically referenced "all abortions banned with no exceptions" when I replied. You asked how it could be hypocritical and I answered.

Far more often then pro-lifers want to admit, particularly if you buy into the concept that life begins at conception. However, does the count matter for this thought exercise? Is hypocritical to condemn 10 woman to death via ectopic pregnancy, but 5 women are acceptable?

The only way it would not be hypocritical in that case is if they were anti-medical procedures for everyone, not just pregnant women.

Well, assuming that they are pro-life in the "all abortions banned with no exceptions" way, that would be hypocritical because banning abortions kills mothers. Getting pregnant can be very dangerous and there are plenty of situations where an abortion makes the difference between one dead body and two dead bodies.

I worked at the Field Museum when they filmed that! It was a bit of a mind-blowing experience for high-school me to see what parts of the Field Museum they kept and what bits they invented whole cloth.

I got the chance to visit House of Eternal Return when I visited Santa Fe last year and everything about that place was a pure delight.

Yeah, in the back of my head I always pictured some sort of horrible meat Twinkie.

I guess I can appreciate that level of multi-tasking.

That's an adorable story! They really are class acts.

I know I've watched Red Zone Cuba twice but I remember nothing about it beyond the "Night Train to Muuurda muuurba" song. My brain flees immediately to be anywhere better.

Hooray! They ran The Day the Earth Froze with a black and white short. The two might have gotten combined in your memory? Either way, happy to help!

We know what he doesn't eat. (Hamdingers)

The Day the Earth Froze, maybe? It's in color and not black and white, though.

"Feelings are for ethnics" is my favorite riff and my favorite quote that's never appropriate to say in public.

I don't know what was worse: the process of them capturing the bear cub or the horribly insufficient enclosure they shoved the poor thing into. Just terrible in every way.

I've always liked "Once Upon a Honeymoon". The riffs are great and the short is so brain-breakingly bizarre. Who was that for? What was the goal? Did they really need to sell people on the concept of phones in the 1950s? It was utterly baffling.