
The one action movie not referenced…
Kickpuncher, starring Don 'the Demon' Donaldson as a cyborg cop whose punches have the power of kicks.

Another vote for a reschedule
That conflicts with the Neo-Futurists' "film fest" series, which is happening just a few blocks from W&CF (but at the same time). That evening will see a staged reading of the script to Frank Henenlotter's "Brain Damage" from 1988, so I wouldn't be surprised if Nabin decides to skip out

Oh, for f…
Can the Riptide movie be far behind?

BOING ! ! ! !

Increased security
The increase of clamping down on any fun at all at the expo is a theme that I keep seeing throughout the years. For a while they allowed kids to attend on just one of the days of the expo, and then they narrowed it town to just one HOUR at the expo, and then NO time for kids (in order to make the

Oh yeah, it's the love of two brains…

and the town ain't even tiny
Tasha points out that the saloon doors are normal-sized, so that the cast members can duck underneath them when they enter and exit. An unanswered question in the film: why are some props proportionally sized for the little people (e.g., the shetland ponies), and some things regular-sized?

There's an article about Skafish's take on the DVD, along with some more info on the release, at the Chicago Reader blog:

I find Curly Wurlies an unsatisfying replacement for the Marathon bar. Marathons were thicker and larger than Curly Wurlies, so you'd have to eat 2 or 3 Curly Wurlies at once to approximate a Marathon bar.Hey, that's not a bad idea….

All Candy, no kids
The one thing I remember about seeing news stories for this expo in years past was that in 2004, kids were let into the expo for one (1) hour during the whole entire convention. The following year, they canceled the kids' hour. This was presumably because the expo is a more businesslike affair than

Mr. Show nitpickery
You meant Kedzie Matthews instead of Blueberryhead. Dane Cook overpowers me so much that I can't even think of a clever way to deliver that information.

Favorite part: Creed asking Jim "Wanna play a game?" Because I was totally expecting a game with Creed to involve a dagger, narcotics, or a severed head.

I'm just sayin'
You could always write in to "Ask the A.V. Club" to find out the name of that hymn…