Charles Snarkley

People like this guy, huh?

I'm not saying that anyone who sympathised with this Nazi are Nazi sympathisers but…


Also, appearing to like Migos earns me white people credits.


Yeah stop blaming Enzo for how shittily he's been booked. He's still an A+ talker. The problem is that he's mainly trying to be comedic and Vince McMahon has to sign off on his material. We know McMahon's sense of humor.

I think Aries is actually closer to Ventura, mainly because he'll occasionally say something racist.

Yeah, it's weird that people are just now discovering that these businesses whose entire business model is based on undercutting hard fought labor agreements through lax regulation and underpaying employees are bad.

Snowflake is up there with 'do-gooder' for most confusing conservative insult.

I didn't enjoy this movie all that much, but I can't at all figure out what is so objectionable about it to a certain set of movie nerd tough guys.

I can't believe people think Russia actually rigged this election.

I'd only fuck one of them.

The AvClub: Dead People and Trump

It was everyone but Hillary's fault that Hillary lost.

It can be tw-

Hey, what about that one outrageous black guy!

We've all been wrong.

That's what bummed me out the most, actually. I was looking forward to hearing a guitar-based album that had been so hyped. But when I listened the guitar sound was so…dull?

It really doesn't get any more generic indie than Car Seat Headrest

When Trump is off camera, all the characters should be asking: "Where's Trumpy?"