Charles Snarkley

Over here it's promo'd "Join Chevy Chase and his band of bumbling schoolmates.."

Every show you've ever enjoyed has changed showrunner without you noticing. It's just that it's news nowadays.


The AVClub's commitment to insisting that Fall Out Boy are not complete garbage is actually kind of cute.

Jimmy Pardo is 100% correct when he talks about the backhanded compliments paid to NNF on Podmass. Yeesh.

I mean, your loss, cos that was a particularly attractive vagina.

Particularly the eating butts segment.

I am a sad, twentysomething white male and, as such, will be very interested in listening to this.

Wow, It's unlikely I'll find a bitchier backhanded compliment than that ever.

I hope we get to see her as Mavis Aukerman.

Well you must really hate the writing on this show.

It's Camelot, bro.

@Scrawler2:disqus It's an average pants budget for someone of my ethnicity.

They're clearly not kissing. I want to be reembursed for the pants that I pre-emptively threw out the window.

Pyat………..Pyat..i gotta…Pyat.

"Me so solly" - Fox.


Yours is the first.

This is the darkest headline in AVClub history.

Basically just watch 5 episodes in a row and you'll be hooked.