Charles Snarkley

Anyone know of any introductory filmmaking books?

"You're fit four the facking knacker's yard, mate!"

Probably Red Moon.

Red Moon is a great song.

"just because certain musicians are capable of crafting songs more complex than the typical 4-minute radio-friendly verse-chorus-verse sound bite, that's somehow bad?"

@avclub-578e8fa3ff67e364550447d75dce678d:disqus Maybe. I think you're in equally murky waters comparing the moral responsibility of political groups and politicians versus comedians.

That's one way to misinterpret it.

Thanks for letting us know that.

We are opposite twins.

But once she gets more air time, she'll become insufferable.

"Let's fill the soundtrack with the most popular artists of the day, that'll sure ruffle a few feathers!"

Well that makes that the first bad thing I've read about the pilot and most of those were from comedy people, not anecdotal friends.

Remember laughter?

Boner inspection, gentlemen.

Nope, her pilot got picked up.

EFF DA H8ers.

They're a shitty, NME-hyped indie-boyband so I would think he was in line with most of the crowd. — there because they can say they were. It's not like he was taking up space from a genuine fan at a Jandek gig.

Next to Jimmy Fallon, we're all entertaining.

A guy I know, while studying for his engineering finals, would listen to the same song on repeat for 12 hours as a kind of white noise.

We really should have a more considered and thoughtful portrayal of people who purposefully say the most horrible shit to agitate people for no reason because a cloak of anonymity has afforded them the chance.