Charles Snarkley

Sorry guys….

If both our dreams work out (mine being that John Mulaney's show will be the next Seinfeld) the dream of the 90's will live in 2013 alt-comedian sitcoms!

I actually listen to the opening most of the time. But it's a law on the internet that whenever WTF is mentioned, a joke must be made about skipping the first ten minutes. I was doing my civic duty.

I don't think a TV show where you have to skip the first ten minutes is a viable plan.

Freaks and Geeks.

It's not "challenging" enough for people.

Right? Three clicks? Fuck that.

You may have misread my initial post. I was merely trying to help you along in your admirable mission of spreading impotent, juvenile negativity and cynicism across the internet like your some 4Chan teenager in 2004.

You're a garbage person, most likely.

There's no such radio program named "Maximum Fun".

I am sort of flabbergasted that more people aren't more outraged about McFarlane's sexualising joke about her and Clooney. You know the one where he speculated about her, a 9 year old, eventually being too old to fuck Clooney in the future. But I guess it didn't have the c-word in it so who cares.


Everyone else seems afraid to say it, but Seth McFarlane is kind of a cunt, right?

Something I've never been able to figure out is whether all the Chang puns were meant to be genuinely funny or "we know how bad it is" ironic funny. 'Cos they're fuckin awful.

April with a toothpick…

I want to start a "clumsy use of pretentious bot" gimmick account.

Too much wish fulfillment.


All we need now is an Ian Roberts cameo to complete the set.

Pretty much every indicator points toward Parks getting at least one more season. Hell, even Community is probably going to get one, too.