Charles Snarkley

Counterpoint: No.

Who would pay 25 plus dollars AND a drink minimum to watch unexperienced comedians working out new material or an undeveloped set? It's a two way relationship. Places like UCB are a resource for comedians. Comedians don't develop without putting in years and years of unpaid sets to audiences of other comedians or a

"So, basically, comedy show producer tells comedians to quit whining about not getting paid?"

Well you haven't been paying much attention. The backlash bus is almost full now.

This F was given before a single page was turned and this books was reviewed expressly to give the F. What sucks is that something worthwhile is being ignored just so people who'll never read the obvious piece of shit can snark on it.

Eh, the line up is usually great.

Nope, he's appeared on Fallon. My guess is that the green screen was to play up that joke, though.

This got the wrong grade. It should have gotten the inaugural "Fuck Nathan Rabin+."

Reminds me of something Bobcat Goldthwait said in the documentary I am Comic: "I once saw two comedians get in a physical fight because both claimed to come up with the joke: 'Is it me or does ET look like a piece of shit'."

The Fugazi method. "We'll start making music and touring again when we feel like it. We probably won't ever feel like it, though."

It's almost as if there's no answer to the stupid question posed in the article…

I think Modern Family thinks it's a hip show.

It also helps that the show was created by a famous sports nerd.

But watch yourself, McCoy.

Electropop? Is unlistenable noise still an option?

He was so cheesed last night!

I will defend the sanctity of my anonymous online persona to the death.

No that was a combo of Sterling Big Mouth and a buddy's borrowed Camaro.

I mean his detractors usually fall into that category. Kind of a hybrid between your average late 30s grunge guy who reflexively hates "Girls" and your average 'edgy' Vice reader.

He gave rise to a new category of horrible person: the Hipster Tough Guy.