Charles Snarkley

Why is America the greatest country in the world?

Why is America the greatest country in the world?



Breaking: People who never contributed to Chris Brown's success are boycotting him.

Breaking: People who never contributed to Chris Brown's success are boycotting him.

Au Contrare, he's developed enough of a devoted fanbase that will eat up any bullshit flight of fancy he wants to go on.

Au Contrare, he's developed enough of a devoted fanbase that will eat up any bullshit flight of fancy he wants to go on.

It was probably less about him being angry about losing the money (though it's probably a shitload of money), but more to do with Holmes assuming that part of Glaser's life should be public domain. It also felt like Holmes was lording it over him.

It was probably less about him being angry about losing the money (though it's probably a shitload of money), but more to do with Holmes assuming that part of Glaser's life should be public domain. It also felt like Holmes was lording it over him.

You seem fun.

You seem fun.

"..he bugs me, but he seems so invested in the image he has of himself as a sweet, lovable, inquisitive puppy dog when to me he clearly comes off as the biggest, most narcissistic creep in the counselors' cabin at bible camp."

"..he bugs me, but he seems so invested in the image he has of himself as a sweet, lovable, inquisitive puppy dog when to me he clearly comes off as the biggest, most narcissistic creep in the counselors' cabin at bible camp."

What's with people bragging about things they don't know?

What's with people bragging about things they don't know?

This entitles you to live on Sean O'Neal's couch for two weeks while you figure things out, so says the AVClub Constitution.

This entitles you to live on Sean O'Neal's couch for two weeks while you figure things out, so says the AVClub Constitution.

If it prevents him from rapping I'm all for it.

If it prevents him from rapping I'm all for it.