
Only the credits tag was funny to me.

Yeah, I feel like they spent more time on the new title animation than they did on constructing a decent episode.

The new title sequence???

I've been pushing this show on people like it's my job.  But after seeing the potential this show has, I don't want it to fall victim to ABC's horrendous marketing like Happy Endings… not that it's Happy Endings just yet… or even close… but maybe someday!

Yeah, Cougar Town DEFINITELY keeps the title unless something just intentionally bad comes along, like a network sitcom called "Sluts."

As an American who only discovered a love for sokkah & the EPL a few years ago, I definitely picked a rough road to follow.  But even when they started to sputter, I realized I was hooked on Hoops for life. Now I'm trying to catch up on the club's history.

As much as it hurt to be relegated, I'm enjoying the reminder of what wins feel like in the Championship.

This was absolutely absurd… yup, that's Regular Show.  Love it!

This show completes my Fridays.

Appreciate it.  Been prepared for months… Now I have to follow the Championship AND the Premiership next season, along with the preposterous amount of shows I watch.  Either way, I hope we can avoid a Wolves situation of consecutive relegations.

"Sorry brah, you're on your ah"

Little too much on my plate right now, show-wise, but no worries, I'll come to it at some point down the road.  I keep well-organized details of shows I watch or intend to watch (255 deep at the moment), and Fringe has been on there for a while.

1st off, LOVE the Underpants Gnomes reference.  2nd, you nailed it with the "brilliant" acting stylings of Julie Benz.  Dexter to cancelled ABC show to this relatively quickly… not such a great career arc.

I'm still just having trouble believing Julie Benz in this role.  But I'll keep plugging along.


Seriously, how many Bond villains appear in The Twilight Zone???

Pierce was at that school for years and years and years.

Who would've been Snrub's heir???

The Middle and Veep… now there's a combination.  lol

Thank you!  Glad to see similar a similar opinion about B&K and Girls. "Humiliation porn" is a great way of describing that damn show.  How to Make It in America felt real AND made me feel good, whether they were struggling or not.  Girls just makes me feel depressed and dirty.