
I'll go ahead and be extra-redundant
That sounds like an awesome name for a girl in an awesome Hold Steady song. And… um… LFTR PLLR! I WIN AT REFERENCES!!1!!

Let's also note that of the platonic friendships on the show, Ted and Marshall's is supposed to be the deepest and longest-lived (I'm, not sure about "least wacky"), but we sort of rarely see them demonstrating that fact in anything other than assertions ("You're my best friend in the world…" etc.) To see Marshall

Yeah. The show's theme (reality vs the story) didn't really play that well. THAT'S MY POINT. There's artful integration and then there's relying on the audience to forgive you. This episode was counting on your charity.

I haven't been as down on this season the way some folks have, but I think this might have been the weakest episode of the season. Apart from the false "monkey are funny" axiom, it was one of the few times in this show that I really felt like the converging of story elements at the end to make the King Kong

I can handle sexual violence as fodder for humor, though I do admit that I'm not nearly as insulated to it as I am "vanilla" physical violence. Maybe it's because after Wile E. Coyote misfired a rocket launcher and it blew up in his face, the Roadrunner didn't immediately try to rape him. Family Guy just reeks of

Ah. Fuckin' well done then, Family Guy. (Ugh.)

Pretty much spot-on, Todd.
More and more I think "solid" is all that we can expect as the high-bar for three of these shows, but I expect better from American Dad. It's proven capable of such higher highs than we've seen in the last string of eps, but I DO expect it to get there again. Maybe not as a sustained state

Ha. He fucking must, right? When was the last time he was funny in one of those cameos? Does he get that nobody he's trying to draw as viewers with bookings like Justin Beiber knows/cares who he is?

@Claire I seem to remember reading in that giant oral history book "Life From New York" that final cut is a combination of the head writer and producer's perspective post-dress rehearsal, but that Lorne pretty much retains final cut on what makes it into the show and when.

I hate to be this guy too… :)

A shame.
Last night just proves that this cast is terrific, and that the SNL writers can still power a really great show if they'd just fucking TRY. Everybody was on their game, and it's obvious that they all wanted to impress the old boss- they were probably writing toward this show for weeks. Imagine if they put up