
kerouac9—I too assume all novels are set in New York unless it is made explicit that they are not. Though when I was younger, I assumed they were all set in Manhattan, whereas now I assume they are all set in Brooklyn.

Bill Haverchuck
was the best character on the show, and one of the best characters on television ever.

La Pipe— Good writing? Good directing? Comfort with the character? I don't know. Maybe the writers realised that the only emotion that SMG knocks out of the ballpark is wounded shock, so they started writing the character to constantly have her feelings hurt in appalling ways?

I too thought the addiction might be to dolls.

Sarah Michelle Gellar drastically improved as an actor over the course of Buffy, and were it not for the fact that of course this show will be cancelled, I have no doubt that Eliza Dushku would have done as well.

Imitation of Life
Both the Douglas Sirk version and the 1934 original. Throughout, but particularly when Peola/Sarah Jane shows up for her mother's funeral.

I'm sure no one is reading at this point, but the wise earth mother/jealous bitch dichotomy is fairly fitting, if you think of her within the context of a creation myth. She is like an ur-goddess meant to represent this spectrum of creation and femininity etc, etc. I thought one of the best things the writers did

Wait, Im a little confused Richelieu Jr.—where exactly do you live?

The Hebrew word is mashiach.

No, they really don't.

They only resembled them because they had to take on a form significant to the person they were appearing too, and then resembled them again at the end so that we would know who they are. It's not terribly important.

I'm not opposed to the objectification of women…
I'm just in favor of the equal objectification of men. So that said, that big annoying blonde Mike certainly had a nice chest. (See, that's the alternate version of you all going on about Mellie's tits.)

I don't remember Helo sucking this much on BSG
Am I just misremembering? Seriously, the only thing that makes him remotely engaging as a character is when he isn't wearing a shirt. Helo generally wore clothes on BSG, and I could tolerate him. It seems that the Dollhouse creators have realised how dull he is, since

I'm not sure if it was an engagement or a memory from a previous life, but really Beast Rabin, you can't reconcile the two? Midwifery and activism are like two lesbian hippy peas in a pod.

Her accent was abysmal. Although maybe it was supposed to be, because she was dressed like Sally Bowles from Cabaret, who was a Berliner, and it sounded more like a German accent speaking French, and he said, "You know I don't understand" so maybe she was programmed to be a slutty, bitchy German girl fucking with

Oh, and I realised what makes Enver Gjokaj pretty convincing; it isn't his line delivery, which is merely serviceable, it's that he has incredibly naturalistic carriage and body language.

Wookiee, you're right. Giant sexy Asian face was pretty good as Taffy, except for the unfortunate "Blue skies nonsense. It was indeed misleading.

I hope it's not Topher's assistant, because she bores me. At this point, I also don't want it to be Amy Acker—I think she's a much more fascinating character if she doesn't take issue with the morality of the actual endeavour, but merely how it transacts.

Okay, Wookiee, I'm not going to argue that "Black Market: didn't suck, because it TOTALLY did, but what exactly did it get wrong about corruption within a closed economic system? I guess I was so focused on the general suckiness of so much else about it that I didn't notice actual real world corellary inconsistencies.

I thought Dichen Lachman wasn't quite as bad this week as last, but I am surprised that Enver something-former-Yugoslavian is pretty convincing without doing a whole lot—he's kind of like Amy Acker; there are no big bells and whistles in their performances, they just get the job done, convincingly.