
I hated him . . . so . . . much . . .
I-It-It—flame—flames . . . on the side of my face . . .
breathing . . . breathe—heaving breaths . . .heaving—

I was crying. Im not embarrassed. Not even a little. But seriously this episode was pretty brilliant, esp the end scene. Well, not the REAL end, but you know what I mean.

Results show recaps are almost as bad as results shows.
Thats about it. Also, while I have the floor, our country has mildy been redeeming itself this week; 1st with 64% of us saying they definately will not vote for Trump, and 2nd, Casey and his " little round hobbit face" (love that perfect description) getting

CZ I thought we knew you.
How in God's name can the marionette puppet/ murderer/ mystical white-tooth-scarecrow be your favorite??

That is all.

@Rasil, if that's what you think, then when you watch the show you will probably see a bunch of "talent" miserably failing to entertain people.

It seems like the Idol people might agree with us about the top-two based on that promo pic up top…"Here they are America, front and center"

(David Sims)

Now this
is how a review should be written. This show inspires both haters and fans, but the recap/ review should, as we just saw, come from a place of objectivity. Those god-awful SNL recaps where the reviewer clearly has no respect for the show need to fucking stop. It would be very easy to review any episode of