Nuke the Whales

then god help us all

Whatever makes him less likable to the ladies is good I guess.

Let the record show my client made the "drinky drinky" motion.

Also, Keith Richards sleeps upside down, which is why he can't be killed by conventional weapons.

Maybe you forgot Tudyk's cringe-worthy performance in Death at a Funeral?

Yah Snail! Yah! get out of here!

Alan Tudyk would have been great as Michael. Of course, I may be biased since he can do no wrong by me.

Has anybody done this with Under The Sea and Just Can't Wait to be King? To my ear they are very similar songs.

Totally. Why MN doesn't rate as a tour stop is beyond me. Sure, the winters suck but there are 4 perfectly fine non-winter months to visit during. No Pheonix, No Postal Service, No B &S. It's total bullshit.

Gone in Zero Dark Thirty Seconds

Maybe I do @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus maybe I do….

Dave's not here, man.

Agreed. These along with Pheonix's tour dates apparently show that the midwest is not worth stopping in for electro-pop/whatever you want to call them bands. I guess this is as good a reason as any to aquire this album "through totally legal means."


No it's cool. People in the midwest don't like to go to concerts anyway.

Stupid sons need the MOST attention

I wonder how long before people notice this tux is really painted on.

Good job, you tied your bowtie all by yourself! Who's a big boy? Who's a big boy?

Coming next Summer: Hitman 3 - Same Hit, Different Day.

Hitman 3: The Hits Just Keep On Coming